Have you ever felt overwhelmed by your finances, buried by a pile of bills to be paid, or chained to your computer? You’re not alone. Many high-net-worth individuals say they often feel burdened by the complexities great wealth can bring. But the good news is, you don’t have to manage the details on your own — ASTLAS can help.
To give you an idea of what this looks like, here is a sampling of the tasks we handle for clients through Atlas .
Bill pay
When you have multiple accounts and use several service providers, paying bills can be a full-time job. We free our clients from this chore by leveraging software such as QuickBooks Online, utilizing other systems, and implementing a robust set of internal controls. Not only do we keep track of billing frequency, but we also handle how each bill needs to be paid. Our clients can relax knowing their bills are taken care of in a timely and relatively invisible manner.
The bookkeeping services we provide include reconciling our clients’ accounts at the end of each month. We also look for unusual charges to identify potential instances of fraud. To give our clients a full view of their financial picture, we can provide monthly or quarterly reports which consolidate all accounts—including information from external investment accounts—into one place.
Knowing how and where you spend your money is critical. To empower our clients with this visibility, we can help establish budgets and provide budget-to-actual reports throughout the year.
A budget is especially helpful for clients with significant philanthropic goals. We track charitable contributions for our clients, so they can meet annual giving goals.
We can also separately track costs for clients who own multiple properties, so they can quickly see what they are spending on each.;
What would you do with more time?
These are just a few of the ways in which we support our clients. Our goal is to free our clients from time-consuming details, so they can live their lives to the fullest.
What would this look like for you? Would you travel more often or go on longer excursions? Be more spontaneous? Relax more easily?
If you think you could benefit from this level of support, we’d love to explore how we could help. Atlas services can be tailored to your situation and scaled up or down as needed. Contact us today to learn more.