When you are a frequent traveler or travel between multiple properties, keeping track of your mail, bill pay, and home maintenance services can be overwhelming. The last thing you want to do is wake up at 2 a.m. wondering, “Did I sign the contract for this year’s snow removal?” The good news: you don’t have to let worries like these dampen your days.

Here’s how working with Atlas can remove the stress of owning and managing multiple properties.

Mail services help you avoid extra paperwork.

Mail services provided by Atlas include collecting, sorting, and responding to correspondence that needs attention. At Atlas, we can handle the majority of our clients’ mail without them ever having to look at it. This can be particularly stress relieving when a tax notice is involved. Atlas can review any notices received and then present a solution to our clients to resolve the issue. We also maintain an electronic archive of all mail we process, which eliminates the need for our clients to keep paper records if they don’t want to.

Bookkeeping and expense tracking keeps you in the know.

Another service Atlas provides is bookkeeping, which includes the tracking of expenses, payments, and invoices. This helps prevent our clients from accidentally paying the same invoice twice. What’s more, we can act as a sounding board if you have a question about the accuracy or legitimacy of an invoice, such as one for fees for property renovations. We can advise on industry norms, so you know you’re paying a fair price.

Our bookkeeping can also include a financial report for each of your properties, so you can quickly see how much you pay for maintenance, taxes, and more.

People management lets you off the hook.

Atlas can also serve as the “point person” for your contractors, maintenance workers, or other individuals involved with your properties. This keeps you from having to worry about communicating with multiple service providers while ensuring your services remain intact.

Peace of mind allows you to sleep at night.

Recently, one of our clients experienced a water leak in their home while traveling. The water company notified us of the leak, and we were able to address it right away. Our clients’ vacation went on as planned, and they didn’t have to worry about returning to a damaged house. This is one of the biggest benefits of Atlas: we’re available, so you don’t have to be. Instead, you have the freedom to travel and enjoy your properties as you wish.

How could you travel more freely?

If you’d like to learn more about how Atlas could help you minimize stress in your life, contact us today.